How To Keep Your Pool Healthy in Summer

The Dog Days of Summer. The hottest time of the year and the busiest time of the year for pool owners. It’s also the time of year when your pool water is exposed to higher bather loads, intense temperatures, and prolonged sunlight. Here is our list of things you should do to keep your pool healthy in summer.

Run The Filter More

July and August are the time when you need the most filtering of the season. Set that pool filter timer a few extra hours longer each day. What you spend on electricity you will save in chemicals which can really add up. Your water is warm enough to shut off the pool heater and the combination of warm water, bright sunshine, and frequent rainstorms, all call for more filtering time each day.

Add More Chlorine

Warmer water, more swimmers and longer sunlight hours mean that your chlorine will deplete or burn-up faster. Add extra 3″ tabs to your chlorinator, and/or turn the dial higher to maintain chlorine levels. Pool shock frequency may also rise during the hottest parts of the summer, to fight algae, bacteria, chloramines, and cloudy water.

Keep Calm & Stay Stable

Sunlight is an enemy of all pool chemicals on some levels. Long hours of daily sunlight means that stabilizer levels are even more important, to prevent degradation of chlorine when you need it most. Keep your stabilizer level between 20-50 ppm, and reduce or dilute if over 100 ppm.

More important than stabilizer, however, is to consistently test your pool water balance during July and August. Your pool water is ever-changing, but never more than during the hottest summer months, when pH, Alkalinity, and stabilizer levels can rise and cause water balance problems.

Stay Cool, Beat the Heat

Hot temperatures, long sunlight exposure, and more pool parties mean more friends and family with more sunblock and oil. This can lead to a ring around your waterline, more organic solids dissolved in your water, and cloudy or hazy pool water.

Enzymes are natural oil-eaters that also clean the pool filter of trapped oils and greasy gunk, and reduce chlorine demand by removing organics from the pool and pool system.

Have any questions on keeping your pool in tip-top shape? Contact us here!

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